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Kootenay Life Obelisk

Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow

Year: 2019
Medium: bronze
Price: $ 11,000
Dimensions: 18" x 12" x 12"


David Hunwick

Victoria, BC

Victoria-based sculptor David Hunwick studied at Ravensbourne College of Art and Design in London, England from 1981 to 1985. He then trained as a teacher of Art and Design, and has been teaching and exhibiting ever since.

In 2001, Hunwick moved to Canada. Within a few years he was firmly entrenched in the Vancouver Island sculpting fraternity, establishing the Sculpture Studio in downtown Victoria in 2008.

He was an integral part of the Blue Whale Project for UBC over two years. He moulded and cast over 71 pieces of the blue whale skeleton in addition to re-sculpting the skull. His first piece displayed here, 2014’s Rebirth, was sculpted from casts made of the ribs.

In 2012, Hunwick worked as artist-in-residence at the Gitskan Art Centre in Hazelton, teaching First Nation carvers how to mould and cast their artifacts.
He has instructed locally for years, and taught for a number of summers in Pietrasanta, Italy instructing students in the nuances of clay sculpting.

A recurring theme in many of Hunwick’s always-gorgeous sculptures is hares. His entry last year portrayed a number of hares cavorting delightedly at the end of winter burrowing.

This year he offers two hare-themed sculptures. Dreams Can Come True depicts a leaping hare – at the summit of a connecting rod – surmounting the moon below. It, in turn, is above the ocean (three diminishing blue lines) while at the bottom of the vertical rod is a stylish seedpod.

As Hunwick explains, “I conceived a symbolic transition from earth, water and moon, with the hare transcending the natural elements. Implied is that we can transcend perceived limitations and reach beyond, if we dare to dream.”

His second piece displayed is as lovely. Flanking the entrance to City Hall, two hares are sculpted in different poses. The first ponders reflectively, hind leg under chin not unlike a rabbit version of Rodin’s The Thinker, as Hunwick intended. His green shaded companion is far less concerned. He plays with joyful relish in the summer sun, resting on his rump legs and paws akimbo – pure pleasure evident.

The contrasting portrayals in Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow are a delight to behold. Hunwick’s impressive talent shines in both bronzes showcased here.


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For more information on how to become involved in Sculpturewalk, contact:

Castlegar Sculpturewalk
PO Box 3586,
Castlegar, BC V1N 3W3

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